Mila Large Smart Air Purifier Review

For a good air purifier, you cannot go wrong with the Mila Large Smart Air Purifier. By reading this review, you will learn if this air purifier offers what you are looking for.

Mila Large Smart Air Purifier Review

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A Modern Design

Right away, the first thing you will notice about this air purifier is its design.

The design is, as the title of this section implies, cute.

For the most part, the entirety of this air purifier consists of simple, clean lines, as well as distinctive curves.

Both of those traits come together to create a cute air purifier that is aesthetically pleasing.

To enhance the overall aesthetic, this air purifier sits on four legs. Each one of these legs is made of Bamboo, which only serves to enhance the aesthetic and create another layer of “cuteness” to the purifier.

Of course, while aesthetics are important, they aren’t quite as important as the user-experience…


Not only does this air purifier look great, it is also very easy-to-use.

For you to use this air purifier, you can use the control console that’s on the air purifier.

Doing so is easy. All of the buttons are labeled with precision. That way, you can easily find what you’re looking for, and tailor the experience to your exact needs.

But, of course, that’s just one way you can use this air purifier.

You can also use your smartphone.

By using your smartphone, you have access to the Mila App.

The Mila App lets you see your current air quality. You can then use those air quality measurements to choose the proper fan speed, create a custom schedule for the air purifier, while also choosing the overall speed of the air purification process.

Each one of these settings, among the others that this air purifier offers, ensure that the overall air purification experience can be tailored to your exact needs.

Designed For Big Spaces

The total Maximum Area Coverage this air purifier offers is 1,000 square-feet.

You can, as a result of this, use the air purifier in spaces that are as large as 1,000 square-feet.

What makes this air purifier special, though, is that you can also use it in spaces that are much smaller than that.

You can go onto your smartphone and choose the exact size of the space you are in.

By doing so, the air purifier restricts the amount of space it is gathering air from. That way, the air purifier only focuses on a specific amount of space, within the room or zone that the air purifier has been placed into.

Sometimes, you may not even have to input the size of the space. Rather, the air purifier can do this for you.

Upon performing that function, this air purifier then tailors the experience to meet the needs of that space.

For a large space, the air purifier will speed up and begin working at a more efficient and effective pace.

The speed of this process will also be determined by the current air quality of that particular space.

You can say the same about the various other spaces in your home, regardless of whether they’re smaller than 1,000 square-feet.

Absolutely Fantastic Filtration

The Mila Large Smart Air Purifier relies on a filter known as the “Basic Breather” air filter.

Right inside of the “Basic Breather” air filter, there are several True-HEPA Filter layers.

Each one of these layers works together, to thoroughly remove germs and allergens, of all sorts, from your home.

The special thing about this Basic Breather air filter is that, since it contains multiple filtration layers, germs and allergens are removed in an especially thorough and efficient manner.

All of the germs and allergens floating in your air flow through the individual layers within the Basic Breather filter.

All of those germs and allergens are removed and broken down. This occurs as they pass through the individual filter layers within the larger Basic Breather filter.

By the time air flows out of the Basic Breather filter, it is free of the germs and allergens that were once contained within it.

One of the nice things about this filter is that it’s also great for removing pollutants and odors. That way, if you live in a polluted space, or are dealing with some unfortunate smells, then this air purifier is a great purchase.

Conclusion: A Fantastic Smart Air Purifier

For a fantastic smart air purifier, you cannot go wrong with the Mila Large Smart Air Purifier!

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