iRobot Braava Jet 240 vs. Braava 380t vs. Braava Jet M6: Robot Mop Comparison

In today’s market, there are all kinds of different robotics technologies available. These technologies weren’t very developed, just a decade or so ago, but now, they are omnipresent, and it looks like it’ll stay that way, for some time.

iRobot Braava 380t vs. Braava Jet 240 vs. Braava Jet M6

More and more people are purchasing all kinds of different robot products. Products such as robot vacuums and robot window washers, to name just two examples. For many people, they are purchasing these products due to the practical benefits that they offer.

When you use a robot vacuum, you no longer have to vacuum your floors manually, on your own. You don’t need to do that. Instead, you can press a button, and then by pressing this button, the robot vacuum can turn on, to detect where it is, where it needs to go, and what it needs to clean, and then that’s it. That’s the extent of the entire vacuuming process. This is far more convenient than the process of vacuuming your floors manually, and that’s one of the biggest reasons why people are so fond of these new robotics technologies: they’re convenient.

Convenience is something that more and more people crave. Time is of the essence, and we live in an age where experiences are far more valuable than just “stuff”.

Experiences are one of the most valuable commodities in today’s market, and to have those valuable and enriching experiences, you need time. With convenient devices, you have more time.

iRobot Braava Jet M6 vs. Braava Jet 240 vs. Braava 380t

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In this buying guide, we’re going to be looking at three products that use robot technology to give you a great deal of convenience. These are the iRobot Braava Jet 240, the iRobot Braava 380T, and the iRobot Braava Jet M6. All three of these robot mops are excellent, and they offer a great deal of performance, and efficiency.

Robot mops are just like robot vacuums, but instead of vacuuming your floors, they mop them. This is somewhat similar, but robot mops are great at removing those thick and ingrained stains, whereas robot vacuums are better for the more surface-level cleanings.

In this buying guide, you’re going to learn all about the different features and attributes that these three robot mops offer, and then, when you’re done reading this guide, you’ll know which one is right for you!

What Does The iRobot Braava Jet 240 Offer?

To start, this is the most inexpensive robot mop on this list. And, it’s not too expensive, so if you want to save some money, this is one of the better options to consider.

iRobot Braava Jet 240 vs. Braava 380t vs. Braava Jet M6

When you are using the iRobot Braava Jet 240, you can use it to clean all kinds of different hard surfaces. It doesn’t matter what type of hard surface you are cleaning, because this robot mop can handle it with ease. It doesn’t matter if it’s wood, tile, stone, marble or any other hard surface.

During the mopping process, two key mechanisms are used for the mopping process. Both of these mechanisms are very well-designed and work incredibly well, and, along with that, they’re also very effective at removing just about any stain.

You’re going to be using the Precision Jet Spray, which is a little spray that shoots a jet of water out of the front of the mop. When this water is sprayed, it aids in loosening up the dirt, dust, and stains that are on your floor, in front of the robot mop.

iRobot Braava Jet 240 Robot Mop

Once you have used the Precision Jet Spray on the floor, the robot mop is then going to move across the area that has been sprayed, and it’s going to use the Vibrating Cleaning Head to wipe up the water, and to remove the gunk, dirt, and dust that you’ve sprayed down. It moves gently and doesn’t vibrate too quickly, or anything of that sort.

Due to the small size and lack of heft, the iRobot Braava Jet 240 is more than capable of moving into all kinds of different spaces. It doesn’t matter if the spaces are big or small, because this robot mop is more than capable of going into those spaces, and mopping things up.

If you want the robot mop to not go into a certain area, you can use the “Virtual Wall” feature to create virtual wall barriers that prevent the iRobot Braava Jet 240 from going into those spaces.

When you are putting a pad into this robot mop, then the robot mop will detect what cleaning mode is best, based on the pad you have selected. There are three modes, and they are Wet Mopping, Damp Sweeping, and Dry Sweeping. Those are the three pads that you can choose from, and they all work well at keeping your floors nice and clean.

Ultimately, if you want a nice and efficient robot mop that is quite inexpensive, then the iRobot Braava Jet 240 is an excellent choice!

iRobot Braava Jet 240

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What Does The iRobot Braava 380T Offer?

In many ways, the iRobot Braava 380T is a very similar robot mop to the iRobot Braava Jet 240, and there aren’t too many key differences. But, there a couple of differences.

When it comes to the cleaning capabilities of the iRobot Braava 380T, you can use the 380T to mop up stains and dirt and gunk of all sorts, and it doesn’t matter what type of hard floor you use it on. You can use it on any type of hard floor, and it will work very well.

iRobot Braava 380t Robot Mop

Unlike the Braava Jet 240, you don’t need to use specific pads to access specific modes. Instead, you just need to use a cloth, which the Braava 380T comes with, and then you attach this cloth, and then you can choose the cleaning mode that you want to use. It’s a lot simpler and a bit more convenient.

There are two cloths that the Braava Jet 380T comes with. You have the Microfiber Dry Sweeping cloth, and then the Reusable Microfiber Damp Sweeping cloth. But, you can also use other types of cloths, as well, rather than just the ones made by iRobot.

With Mop Mode, the Braava Jet 380T will move across your floors and mop up all of the dirt, stains, and general grime. This is the most popular cleaning mode, and it works very well. But, you also have Sweep Mode, which is where the Braava Jet 380T moves back and forth, in straight lines, to pick up things like dust and hair, as well as various patches of dirt, and things of that nature.

The Braava Jet 380T is a great robot mop that is better than the Braava Jet 240, in terms of performance and efficiency. But it is a bit more expensive, too.

iRobot Braava 380t

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What Does The iRobot Braava jet m6 (6110) Offer?

This is the most expensive robot mop on our list. It has a lot of great features, but it’s expensive. If you want the best, though, this is the robot mop for you.

In terms of the general features, the iRobot Braava jet m6 (6110) uses Wet Mopping Pads and Dry Sweeping Pads to clean the floors in your home. And, you can use this robot mop to clean any type of hard floor. It works exceptionally well and cleans with a great deal of efficiency.

iRobot Braava Jet M6 Robot Mop

So, when it comes to those things, the iRobot Braava Jet M6 is very similar to the previous two robot mops. But, the reason why this is such a great robot mop is due to the iRobot Home App. This is an app that you can download onto your smartphone and tablet, and what it does is it allows you to control the robot mop, wherever you are. As long as your device, and the iRobot Braava Jet M6, are connected to the internet, you can access the features of this robot mop.

You can create a custom schedule for this robot mop. Turn it on, and off. Choose which cleaning mode you want the robot mop to use, for that particular cleaning session. And, what’s cool is that there is a map you can access, using the app. This map comes from the data that the sensors of the Braava Jet M6 have collected, and this is a map of your home, and the floors in your home.

By going onto this map, and then choosing which room you want the Braava Jet M6 to clean, it will clean it. And, you can also select which rooms you don’t want the Braava Jet M6 to clean. If you want to change the cleaning mode for a particular room, you can do that, too.

Ultimately, the iRobot Braava jet m6 (6110) is an exceptional robot mop that is quite a bit more expensive than the others. This price does come with some cool and useful features, but if those extra features aren’t particularly enticing for you, then stick to one of the other two robot mops.

iRobot Braava Jet M6

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Last update on 2025-02-12 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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