ECOVACS Deebot N10 PLUS Robot Vacuum and Mop Review

Welcome to the future of automated home cleaning with the ECOVACS Deebot N10 PLUS. This high-tech robot vacuum and mop offers a two-in-one cleaning solution designed to make your life easier. In this comprehensive review, we’ll delve deep into the device’s performance, design, and capabilities, providing you with all the necessary information to make an informed purchasing decision.

Key Takeaways

  • The ECOVACS Deebot ECOVACS Deebot N10 PLUS offers a robust vacuum and mopping function, designed to deliver a thoroughly cleaned floor across various surfaces.
  • With a high-capacity battery, it can manage up to 150 minutes of cleaning time, making it an ideal choice for small to medium-sized homes.
  • Advanced navigation and mapping capabilities of the device ensure an efficient and comprehensive cleaning path around your home, adeptly handling obstacles and stairs.

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ECOVACS DEEBOT N10 PLUS Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo...
  • Vacuum and Mop in One Go. Clean all your floors faster with simultaneous vacuuming and mopping. DEEBOT N10...
  • Precise Mapping for a Thorough, Efficient Clean. With an advanced laser-based LiDAR navigation system, DEEBOT...
  • Powerful Deep Cleaning with 3800Pa Suction. With a maximum suction power of 3800Pa, DEEBOT N10 PLUS easily...

Last update on 2024-05-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Unboxing and First Impressions

Once you unbox this advanced cleaning machine, you will find a sleek, futuristic device with an aesthetically pleasing design that complements any home decor. Inside the box, alongside the vacuum itself, you’ll find a charging dock, mop attachment, four side brushes, two high-efficiency air filters, a cleaning tool, and the user manual. Its overall initial impression signifies premium quality and attention to detail.

Detailed Features and Specifications

Vacuum and Mop Functions

At the heart of this device are its robust vacuuming and mopping functions. The vacuum offers high-efficiency cleaning with a max mode for tackling stubborn dirt, and the mopping feature is designed to handle various floor types. The two functions work seamlessly to deliver a thoroughly cleaned floor.

Battery Performance

Powering this cleaning marvel is a high-capacity battery that can handle up to 150 minutes of cleaning on a single charge. This runtime should be more than enough to cover most small to medium-sized homes. When the battery level runs low, the device returns to its charging dock automatically.

Navigation and Mapping Capabilities

The unit’s smart navigation system uses advanced sensors to map your home and plan efficient cleaning routes. It’s capable of avoiding obstacles, managing narrow spaces, and can even handle slight drops, making it perfect for homes with stairs.

Dust Bin and Water Tank Capacities

With a 600ml dust bin and a 300ml water tank, the machine has ample capacity for an extended cleaning session, reducing the need for frequent emptying or refills.

Noise Level and User Comfort

This model operates at a surprisingly quiet volume level, ensuring a tranquil living environment even during a cleaning session.

Setup and Installation

Setting up this robotic cleaner is a breeze. After unboxing, simply attach the side brushes, fill the water tank if you plan to use the mop function, and place the robot on its charging dock. Download the ECOVACS Home App on your smartphone and follow the in-app instructions to pair the device.

Performance Evaluation

Cleaning Efficiency on Different Surfaces

Whether it’s hard floors or carpets, this vacuum-mop combo tackles it all. Its strong suction power effectively pulls in dust and debris, while the mop cleans up any lingering grime, leaving your floors spotless.

Mopping Capabilities and Efficiency

The device mops floors well, handling spills and stains without any hassle. It doesn’t just push water around; it actually scrubs and cleans the floors, making them shine.

Navigational Accuracy

In terms of navigation, the robot’s smart mapping technology ensures it won’t miss a spot. It maneuvers around furniture and avoids stairs with ease.

Battery Life and Charging Time

After a complete battery cycle, the cleaner returns to its dock and takes around 4 hours to recharge, after which it’s ready for another cleaning session.

Integration with Home Assistant Devices

One of the standout features of this robot vacuum is its compatibility with smart home devices like Amazon’s Alexa or Google Home. Control your cleaning schedule using just your voice!

ECOVACS DEEBOT N10 PLUS Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo...
  • Vacuum and Mop in One Go. Clean all your floors faster with simultaneous vacuuming and mopping. DEEBOT N10...
  • Precise Mapping for a Thorough, Efficient Clean. With an advanced laser-based LiDAR navigation system, DEEBOT...
  • Powerful Deep Cleaning with 3800Pa Suction. With a maximum suction power of 3800Pa, DEEBOT N10 PLUS easily...

Last update on 2024-05-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

User Experience

Daily Use Experience

Using this vacuum-mop daily is nothing short of a breeze. With automatic cleaning schedules and spot cleaning mode, you can sit back and let the robot do the work.

Application Interface and Functionality

The ECOVACS Home App is user-friendly and functional. It allows you to start or schedule cleaning sessions, set no-go areas, and monitor cleaning progress.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Maintenance is straightforward. The dust bin and water tank are easy to remove and clean, and the brushes and filters are replaceable, ensuring longevity.

Comparisons with Other Robot Vacuums

While outperforming previous Deebot models in terms of features and performance, the ECOVACS Deebot N10 PLUS also holds its own against competitors from other brands, offering a perfect blend of quality, features, and affordability.

Value for Money

This model offers excellent value for money. Its high-end features coupled with reliable performance make it a worthy investment. Also, the customer support provided by ECOVACS is commendable, ensuring peace of mind for the buyer.

Pros and Cons

Pros of the ECOVACS Deebot N10 PLUS include its high-efficiency cleaning, smart navigation, long battery life, and easy maintenance. On the flip side, the lack of a virtual wall feature is a minor drawback.


In conclusion, the ECOVACS Deebot N10 PLUS offers an exceptional cleaning solution for modern homes. Its combination of a vacuum and mop, smart navigation, and easy maintenance makes it a compelling choice for those seeking an automated home cleaning system.


Can the N10 PLUS handle pet hair?

Yes, it handles pet hair quite well due to its high suction power.

Does the N10 PLUS have boundary markers?

No, it does not support physical boundary markers. However, you can set no-go areas through the app.

How often should you replace the mop pad?

This depends on usage, but generally, it should be replaced every three to six months.

Can the N10 PLUS be operated without the app?

Yes, it comes with physical buttons for basic operations. However, the app is needed for advanced features.

How effective is the N10 PLUS on high-pile carpet?

While it cleans low and medium-pile carpets well, its performance on high-pile carpets is moderate.

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ECOVACS DEEBOT N10 PLUS Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo...
  • Vacuum and Mop in One Go. Clean all your floors faster with simultaneous vacuuming and mopping. DEEBOT N10...
  • Precise Mapping for a Thorough, Efficient Clean. With an advanced laser-based LiDAR navigation system, DEEBOT...
  • Powerful Deep Cleaning with 3800Pa Suction. With a maximum suction power of 3800Pa, DEEBOT N10 PLUS easily...

Last update on 2024-05-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Ecovacs Robot Vacuum | Bestsellers (last 24h)

Last update on 2024-04-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Ecovacs Robot Vacuum | Bestsellers (last 24h)

Last update on 2024-05-15 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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