iRobot Roomba j6+ vs S9+

When it comes to robot vacuum cleaners, iRobot’s Roomba range continues to raise the bar, offering high-tech solutions to an everyday chore. Roomba j6+ and S9+ are two of the most impressive models in this line, each packed with distinctive features and capabilities. But the question is, which one is the ideal choice for you? In this in-depth comparison, we’ll shed light on all the key differences between these two models to guide you to the best pick. You’ll find insights into everything from design and cleaning performance, to smart home compatibility and user experiences. It’s time to put the Roomba j6+ and S9+ head-to-head and see which comes out on top.

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Overview of the Roomba j6+

The Roomba j6+ brings the signature iRobot technology into a new, improved model that promises efficiency and ease of use. Notably, this model is designed to adapt to your home layout, offering personalized cleaning schedules. Its advanced navigation technology allows it to seamlessly maneuver around obstacles while the automatic dirt disposal feature makes it almost maintenance-free. The j6+ is designed to work with both Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, ensuring full integration into your smart home setup. Consumer feedback for this model is largely positive, reflecting high levels of satisfaction with its cleaning performance and automation capabilities.

iRobot Roomba j6+ Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum –...
  • MORE THOUGHTFUL THAN YOU THOUGHT - iRobot OS powers your Roomba j6 plus to clean the way you want it to. It...
  • AVOIDS PET ACCIDENTS ON PURPOSE – WE GUARANTEE IT - Only iRobot brings you P.O.O.P. (Pet Owner Official...
  • CLEANS THE CRUMBS, AVOIDS THE CORDS - Cords stop most robots in their tracks but the Roomba j6 plus keeps...

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Overview of the Roomba S9+

Roomba S9+ is another top-of-the-line model from iRobot that pushes the boundaries of automated home cleaning. Boasting of a revolutionary D shape, this robot vacuum cleaner is designed to clean corners and along walls more effectively. The S9+ is equipped with superior suction power, touted to be 40 times more powerful than that of base Roomba models. It also integrates with smart home systems, similar to the j6+. The S9+’s standout feature, however, is its advanced mapping and navigation system, which is built to learn the layout of your home over time. As for consumer feedback, many users regard the S9+ as the pinnacle of Roomba technology, given its enhanced features and superior performance.

iRobot Roomba s9+ Self Emptying Robot Vacuum -...
  • CLEANS UP AFTER YOU AND ITSELF: With groundbreaking technology and a sophisticated design, the s9 plus is one...
  • DETAILED POWERFUL CLEAN: PerfectEdge Technology with advanced sensors and a specially designed Corner Brush,...
  • VACUUMS MESSES IN THE MOMENT: Cleaning crumbs is now as easy as “Roomba, clean under the kitchen table.” A...

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Design and Aesthetics

While both models share a sleek, modern design, there are key differences. The Roomba j6+ maintains the traditional circular Roomba design which allows it to navigate effectively in open spaces. The Roomba S9+, on the other hand, sports a distinctive D shape which gives it an edge in cleaning corners and along walls. The aesthetic elements of both models are minimal and sophisticated, seamlessly blending with any home decor style.

Cleaning Performance

Analyzing cleaning performance is vital when comparing robotic vacuums. The Roomba j6+ uses iRobot’s patented three-stage cleaning system with dual multi-surface brushes and five times the suction power of base models. These features ensure it picks up a range of debris, from tiny dust particles to larger objects like food crumbs.

The Roomba S9+, however, goes a notch higher. It’s built with advanced cleaning features, including a wide dual rubber brush design and powerful suction that’s 40 times stronger than base models. Its D-shaped design also allows it to clean corners and wall edges more effectively, a feature that gives the S9+ a slight edge over the j6+ in cleaning performance.

Navigation and Mapping

For robotic vacuums, the ability to navigate a home’s layout with minimal assistance is essential. The Roomba j6+ uses iAdapt 3.0 Navigation with vSLAM technology, enabling it to learn your home’s layout and clean in neat, efficient rows.

The Roomba S9+ takes it a step further with iRobot’s most advanced navigation technology, the iAdapt 3.0 with Imprint Smart Mapping. This technology learns and adapts to your home’s layout over time, allowing the S9+ to clean specific rooms on demand. The S9+ offers a more robust navigation solution, giving it a competitive edge in this category.

Smart Home Integration

In the era of smart homes, your robotic vacuum should be able to integrate with your existing smart home systems. Both the Roomba j6+ and S9+ work seamlessly with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, enabling you to control your vacuum using voice commands. This means you can tell your Roomba to start, stop, or dock using just your voice, providing an added layer of convenience to your cleaning routine.

iRobot Roomba s9+ Self Emptying Robot Vacuum -...
  • CLEANS UP AFTER YOU AND ITSELF: With groundbreaking technology and a sophisticated design, the s9 plus is one...
  • DETAILED POWERFUL CLEAN: PerfectEdge Technology with advanced sensors and a specially designed Corner Brush,...
  • VACUUMS MESSES IN THE MOMENT: Cleaning crumbs is now as easy as “Roomba, clean under the kitchen table.” A...

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Battery Life and Charging

Battery life and charging efficiency directly impact the cleaning process. The Roomba j6+ and S9+ both offer run times of up to 120 minutes, enough to clean most mid-size homes on a single charge. What’s impressive is their recharge and resume feature: if a cleaning job isn’t completed before the battery runs out, the Roomba docks itself, recharges, and then resumes cleaning where it left off. This feature ensures a thorough and efficient cleaning process, regardless of your home’s size.

Maintenance and Durability

Maintenance and durability are key considerations when investing in a robot vacuum. Both the Roomba j6+ and S9+ are equipped with Automatic Dirt Disposal, a feature that empties the robot’s dust bin into a disposable bag after each cleaning, reducing the frequency of maintenance.

Durability-wise, both models are built to last. With proper care, the Roomba j6+ and S9+ should serve you for several years. However, parts like brushes and filters may need periodic replacement to ensure optimal performance.

Detailed Comparison: Price and Value for Money

Price and value for money are crucial in making your decision. While both models are priced on the higher end of the spectrum due to their advanced features, the Roomba S9+ tends to be more expensive due to its advanced mapping and superior suction power. If budget is not a constraint, and you’re looking for the most advanced features, then the S9+ could be a suitable option. If you want a balance of features and price, the j6+ could be a more attractive proposition.

iRobot Roomba j6+ Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum –...
  • MORE THOUGHTFUL THAN YOU THOUGHT - iRobot OS powers your Roomba j6 plus to clean the way you want it to. It...
  • AVOIDS PET ACCIDENTS ON PURPOSE – WE GUARANTEE IT - Only iRobot brings you P.O.O.P. (Pet Owner Official...
  • CLEANS THE CRUMBS, AVOIDS THE CORDS - Cords stop most robots in their tracks but the Roomba j6 plus keeps...

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Pros and Cons

Pros and Cons: Roomba j6+

The Roomba j6+ stands out with its personalized cleaning schedules, great navigation, and its seamless integration with smart home setups. However, it might struggle to clean corners and along walls as effectively as the S9+ due to its round shape.

Pros and Cons: Roomba S9+

The Roomba S9+ is a technological marvel with superior suction power, advanced navigation, and an ability to clean corners effectively due to its D shape. Its main downside is its price, which is steeper compared to the j6+.

Who Should Buy the Roomba j6+

The Roomba j6+ is perfect for those who desire an efficient robot vacuum with smart capabilities, and are also conscious about budget. With solid performance and key features, it offers a great balance of cost and functionality.

Who Should Buy the Roomba S9+

The Roomba S9+ is for those who seek the very best in robot vacuum technology, regardless of price. If you’re after cutting-edge features and top-notch performance, the S9+ would be a worthy investment.

User Experience

User Experiences: Roomba j6+

The Roomba j6+ has earned high praise from users for its effective cleaning and ease of use. Users particularly appreciate the automatic dirt disposal feature, as it significantly reduces the frequency of maintenance. The j6+’s ability to adapt to a home’s layout and clean in neat, efficient rows is another high point, with users noting that it covers a lot of ground without missing spots. Its compatibility with smart home systems also gets a thumbs-up, as it allows users to schedule cleaning tasks conveniently.

User Experiences: Roomba S9+

The Roomba S9+ generally receives rave reviews for its superior cleaning and advanced features. Users often remark on its exceptional suction power and its ability to handle different types of debris. The S9+’s performance in cleaning corners and along walls thanks to its D-shaped design is another standout feature for users. Its advanced mapping technology also impresses, allowing users to have it clean specific rooms on demand. The main drawback, according to some users, is the steep price. However, many feel that the advanced features and performance justify the investment.


Choosing between the Roomba j6+ and S9+ depends on your specific needs and budget. The Roomba j6+ offers great performance and smart features at a somewhat more affordable price, making it a good choice for those seeking value for money. The Roomba S9+, with its advanced features and superior performance, is a top pick for those who want the best that robotic vacuum technology has to offer, and are willing to pay a premium for it. Ultimately, both models promise to make home cleaning easier and more efficient.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What’s the main difference between the Roomba j6+ and the S9+?
The Roomba j6+ and S9+ both have advanced features, but the S9+ stands out with its superior suction power, and advanced mapping and navigation technology. Additionally, the S9+’s D-shape design helps it clean corners and wall edges more effectively.

Can the Roomba j6+ and S9+ be controlled via smartphone?
Yes, both models can be controlled via the iRobot Home App available on iOS and Android. This app allows you to set cleaning schedules, monitor cleaning status, and access cleaning history.

Do these models work on all floor types?
Both Roomba j6+ and S9+ are designed to work on various floor types including hardwood, tile, and carpet.

How often do the Roomba j6+ and S9+ need to be emptied?
Both models come with Automatic Dirt Disposal. They automatically empty the dust bin into a disposable bag after each cleaning, which can hold up to 30 bins of dirt, dust, and hair. This feature significantly reduces the frequency of maintenance.

Are the Roomba j6+ and S9+ compatible with virtual wall barriers?
Yes, both models are compatible with iRobot’s virtual wall barriers, which can be used to keep the robot vacuums out of certain areas of your home.

iRobot Roomba j6+ Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum –...
  • MORE THOUGHTFUL THAN YOU THOUGHT - iRobot OS powers your Roomba j6 plus to clean the way you want it to. It...
  • AVOIDS PET ACCIDENTS ON PURPOSE – WE GUARANTEE IT - Only iRobot brings you P.O.O.P. (Pet Owner Official...
  • CLEANS THE CRUMBS, AVOIDS THE CORDS - Cords stop most robots in their tracks but the Roomba j6 plus keeps...

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Roomba Robot Vacuum | Bestsellers (last 24h)

Last update on 2024-04-27 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Roomba Robot Vacuum | Bestsellers (last 24h)

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