Roomba 692 vs i4

The quest for the perfect robot vacuum often leads to a face-off between top contenders in the market. Today, we’re setting our sights on two popular iRobot models: the Roomba 692 and the Roomba i4. As household names in the world of automated cleaning, these robot vacuums come packed with features designed to make home maintenance a breeze. But which one is the right fit for your home? In this comprehensive comparison, we’ll delve into their design, performance, features, user experiences, and more to help you make an informed decision.


Overview of the Roomba 692

The Roomba 692 belongs to iRobot’s 600 series, known for their reliable performance and ease of use. Boasting a sleek design and user-friendly features, the 692 is aimed at users who seek automated cleaning without the hefty price tag of premium models. It’s equipped with adaptive navigation, scheduling capabilities, and works well on a variety of surfaces, from hard floors to carpets.

Overview of the Roomba i4

The Roomba i4, on the other hand, takes cleaning convenience to a new level. As an upgrade over iRobot’s earlier models, the i4 features intelligent navigation, improved battery life, and a larger dustbin capacity. These enhancements, coupled with a robust cleaning system, make the i4 a compelling choice for those who want more from their robot vacuum.

Design and Aesthetics

When it comes to design, both the Roomba 692 and i4 sport a classic round shape, common to most iRobot models. The Roomba 692 has a sleek, black design that’s both compact and practical, allowing it to maneuver under furniture with ease.

The Roomba i4, while retaining the round design, takes a more modern approach. It features a brushed metal look that adds a touch of sophistication. It’s also slightly larger than the 692, which accommodates a bigger dust bin.

Cleaning Performance

Comparing cleaning performance, the Roomba 692 uses a three-stage cleaning system equipped with dual multi-surface brushes and an edge-sweeping brush, efficiently handling dust, pet hair, and debris.

The Roomba i4 steps up with a similar three-stage cleaning system but with an added bonus of ten times the suction power compared to iRobot’s 600 series. This feature allows the i4 to pick up more dirt and deliver a deeper clean, especially on carpets and rugs.

Navigation and Mapping

In the realm of navigation, both models offer smart features. The Roomba 692 uses Adaptive Navigation technology, employing a suite of sensors to navigate around obstacles and under furniture.

The Roomba i4 takes it up a notch with iAdapt 2.0 Navigation with vSLAM technology. This feature helps the i4 map its surroundings, allowing it to clean in neat, efficient rows, reducing the chances of missing spots.

Smart Home Integration

Today’s tech-savvy users appreciate appliances that integrate with their smart home systems. Both the Roomba 692 and i4 are compatible with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa, so you can start, stop, or schedule cleaning sessions with just your voice.

Battery Life and Charging

Battery life is a key aspect to consider, especially for larger homes. The Roomba 692 offers up to 90 minutes of run time, after which it automatically returns to its docking station to recharge.

The Roomba i4, with its extended battery life, runs for up to 180 minutes before needing a recharge. Like the 692, it also has an auto-return feature, ensuring it’s always ready for the next cleaning session.

Dust Bin Capacity and Maintenance

A larger dust bin means less frequent emptying, and the Roomba i4 has a leg up in this department with a larger dust bin capacity compared to the 692. This allows the i4 to handle more dirt and debris, making it a suitable choice for larger homes or households with pets.

In terms of maintenance, both models are fairly straightforward. Parts such as the filter and brushes should be replaced periodically to ensure optimal performance.

Price and Value for Money

When it comes to price, the Roomba 692 is positioned as a more budget-friendly option, offering reliable cleaning performance at a lower cost. This makes it a great choice for those new to robot vacuums or those on a tighter budget.

The Roomba i4, with its added features and superior performance, is priced higher. If budget isn’t a primary concern and you’re seeking enhanced capabilities, the i4 provides excellent value for money.

Pros and Cons

Pros and Cons: Roomba 692

The Roomba 692’s strengths lie in its reliable cleaning performance, ease of use, and affordability. Its compatibility with smart home systems and scheduling capabilities are added perks. On the downside, the 692’s battery life and dust bin capacity are not as substantial as those of some more advanced models.

Pros and Cons: Roomba i4

The Roomba i4 stands out for its enhanced suction power, larger dust bin, and intelligent navigation. Its extended battery life is a huge advantage for larger homes. As for cons, the i4 comes with a higher price tag, which might be a deciding factor for budget-conscious buyers.

Who Should Buy the Roomba 692

The Roomba 692 is an excellent choice for those seeking a reliable, user-friendly robot vacuum without the hefty price tag. It’s particularly suitable for smaller homes or apartments and is a good starting point for those new to the world of robot vacuums.

Who Should Buy the Roomba i4

The Roomba i4 is well-suited for those looking for enhanced features and stronger performance. Its superior cleaning capabilities and larger dust bin make it a great option for larger homes or households with pets. If you’re willing to invest a bit more for these features, the i4 will not disappoint.

User Experience

User Experiences: Roomba 692

The Roomba 692 is highly rated by users for its consistent cleaning performance and ease of use. Many appreciate its ability to tackle different types of debris and transition between various floor types. The scheduling feature and smart home compatibility are also well-received. Some users, however, mention the need for frequent dust bin emptying and express a desire for longer battery life.

User Experiences: Roomba i4

The Roomba i4 receives rave reviews for its powerful cleaning and advanced navigation. Users often highlight its impressive suction power and the convenience of the larger dust bin. Its ability to clean for longer periods due to extended battery life is another point that wins users over. The higher price is noted by some users, but many feel that the enhanced features justify the investment.


Choosing between the Roomba 692 and i4 boils down to your specific needs and budget. The Roomba 692 offers excellent performance and smart features at a more affordable price, making it a strong contender for those seeking value for money. The Roomba i4, with its advanced features and superior performance, is a great pick for those who desire a more feature-rich robot vacuum and are willing to invest a little more.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What’s the main difference between the Roomba 692 and the i4?
The Roomba i4 offers more advanced features compared to the 692, including enhanced suction power, superior navigation technology, and extended battery life. The i4 also has a larger dust bin capacity.

Can the Roomba 692 and i4 be controlled via smartphone?
Yes, both models can be controlled via the iRobot Home App available on iOS and Android. This app allows you to set cleaning schedules, monitor cleaning status, and access cleaning history.

Do these models work on all floor types?
Both Roomba 692 and i4 are designed to work on various floor types including hardwood, tile, and carpet.

How often do the Roomba 692 and i4 need to be emptied?
The frequency of emptying the dust bin depends on the model and how much dirt and debris it collects. The i4’s larger dust bin capacity means it can go longer between emptying.


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