Polaris Vac-Sweep 3900 Sport Pressure Side Pool Cleaner Review

In this review, we’re going to be taking a look at the Polaris Vac-Sweep 3900 Sport Pressure Side Pool Cleaner. As pool cleaners go, this one is pretty affordable, and while it doesn’t offer as many distinct features or attributes and advantages as others, it is still an incredibly useful device, that is also exceptionally powerful.

Polaris Vac-Sweep 3900 Sport Pressure Side Pool Cleaner Review

You’re going to learn why, exactly, that is. Along with what kind of pool, and person, this pressure side pool cleaner is for. As well as the flaws that this device comes with.

Let’s begin by looking at the main features.

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So, What Can The Polaris Vac-Sweep 3900 Do For Me?

You’ll first notice the design. It’s not particularly sleek or aesthetically pleasing. But, it is simple. Very simple. It is relatively easy to figure out how to use this pressure side pool cleaner. You will also notice that, at less than 23-pounds, it isn’t a particularly heavy pool cleaner. Other pool cleaners tend to be a lot bulkier.

Polaris Vac-Sweep 3900 Sport Pressure Side Pool Cleaner Review
Polaris 3900

In the box, there is also a 31-foot hose kit, a back-up valve, and, of course, an instruction manual. The instruction manual is quite thorough.

However, the device is powered by a booster pump. And, unfortunately, it doesn’t come with this booster pump. So, if you don’t already have one, you’ll need to purchase that, too.

At the top of the device, there is a small bag. This is a dual-chambered bag that has a zipper, and it is known as the “SuperBag”, one of the features that only the Polaris pool cleaners have. Now, this bag is actually very convenient, because it can hold quite a bit of debris, in comparison to previous Polaris pool cleaners. And with the zipper, it’s very easy to release and dispose of this debris.

Polaris Vac-Sweep 3900 Sport Pressure Side Pool Cleaner

Now, if the bag ever gets stuck, there is auto-reverse technology in place. This allows the bag to free itself, whenever it gets stuck or trapped.

Now, the Polaris Vac-Sweep 3900 works with every single in-ground pool. And, it is very good at cleaning those pools.

Some of this comes from a technology known as the “TailSweep PRO”, which is a sweep hose that has been enhanced to do a couple of extra things. Usually, most pool cleaners have trouble getting debris that is trapped in corners and crevices. But, with the TailSweep PRO, the device can easily get rid of debris that happens to be stuck in those spaces.

But, it also ensures that water doesn’t splash above the pool and get onto the pavement, or you, if you happen to be walking by.

Movement has been both streamlined and greatly enhanced, thanks to the new and improved “PosiDrive System”, which is all-wheel and uses a stainless steel chain. This allows it to move in a much more efficient manner, while also moving with a lot more speed and force.

Polaris Vac-Sweep 3900

Cleaning Power

Now, according to the marketing for the Polaris Vac-Sweep 3900, this is the most powerful pressure side pool cleaner on the market. This is, obviously, a bit difficult to verify. However, what can be verified is the fact that it effortlessly cleans up the debris of all sorts.

Big or small, it has no issues sucking up all kinds of different debris, and it does this while continuing to filter the water out and circulating it, too. All of this contributes to a pool that is exceptionally clean.

Polaris Vac-Sweep 3900 Sport Review
Polaris 3900

Ultimately, this is the major feature that must be noted. In other aspects, this pressure side pool cleaner may not be particularly exceptional or notable. However, it is exceptionally powerful.

No matter how dirty or disgusting your pool may be, and no matter the kinds of debris that are in your pool, the Polaris Vac-Sweep 3900 can clean it.

As for flaws, the Polaris Vac-Sweep 3900 doesn’t have the sleekness or simplicity of other pressure side pool cleaners. This can make using it a bit tricky and inconvenient. Along with that, the hose, while very powerful, can be a bit clunky to set up and use.

Other people have reported that it breaks after only a few months. However, this does depend a lot on how you treat it.

Ultimately, the biggest flaw is that it can be a bit difficult and inconvenient to set up and use.


If you want one of the most powerful pressure side pool cleaners on the market, and you don’t mind dealing with minor inconveniences, then the Polaris Vac-Sweep 3900 Sport Pressure Side Pool Cleaner is a fantastic choice! It’s got the power that you need, and you won’t have to break the bank to buy it!

Polaris Vac-Sweep 3900 Sport Pressure Side Pool Cleaner Review

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