Dolphin Advantage Ultra Robotic Pool [Vacuum] Cleaner Review

For a fantastic robotic pool cleaner, you cannot go wrong with the Dolphin product line. By the time you are finished with this review, you will know if the Dolphin Advantage Ultra Robotic Pool Cleaner offers what you are looking for.

Dolphin Advantage Ultra Review
Dolphin Advantage Ultra

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Designed For Big Pools

To start off this review, the first thing you need to know is that this robotic pool cleaner is meant for big pools. Pools as large as 50-feet, to be specific.

You can use this robotic pool cleaner to thoroughly clean a pool as large as 50-feet. All of the various surfaces and spaces within your pool, assuming it does not exceed 50-feet, will be cleaned.

Unlike other robotic pool cleaners, this robotic pool cleaner can only clean in-ground swimming pools. So, if you have an above-ground swimming pool, then this robotic pool cleaner is not the right choice.

Thoroughly Cleans Your Pool

Just as mentioned in the last section, this robotic pool cleaner can thoroughly clean pools as large as 50-feet. As the robotic pool cleaner is moving across your pool, and cleaning those surfaces, it can move across and clean every surface within your swimming pool.

Dolphin Advantage Ultra
Dolphin Advantage Ultra

You can, with this robotic pool cleaner, clean the walls, floors, and waterline of your swimming pool. All of those surfaces are cleaned with speed and ease, allowing the dirt, gunk, and grime to be removed.

For those who need a powerful and elaborate robotic pool cleaner that enables you to clean every square-inch of your swimming pool, the Dolphin Advantage Ultra Robotic Pool Cleaner is a great choice.

Fantastic Cleaning Power

To ensure that your pool is cleaned properly, this robotic pool cleaner comes equipped with some excellent cleaning power.

Most of this power is found in the motor. The motor generates a lot of suction power, as well as a lot of pressure. All of the suction power is used to gather dirt, gunk, and grime from the various surfaces in your pool. All of the pressure is used to push the robotic pool cleaner across the surfaces within your pool, ensuring that this robotic pool cleaner moves at a good pace.

But, for those two systems to work as well as they do, there’s one other system that this robotic pool cleaner relies on. The system, in question, is that of the dual scrubbing system.

The dual scrubbing system consists of two scrub brushes. Both of these scrub brushes are underneath the robotic pool cleaner. As the robotic pool cleaner moves throughout the pool, these scrub brushes are used to scrub and loosen all of the dirt, gunk, and grime that happens to be on the surfaces within your pool.

Since these are strong, speedy brushes, they work very well and can remove just about everything. All of this ensures that the surfaces within your pool are cleaned thoroughly, with precision and speed.

Dolphin Advantage Ultra Robotic Pool Cleaner
Dolphin Advantage Ultra

Good Filtration

Every little bit of dirt, gunk, and grime this robotic pool cleaner loosens and vacuums up must go somewhere. The “somewhere” that it goes is the filter basket, which is located on the back of the robotic pool cleaner.

Accessing the filter basket is easy. Since it’s located on the back of the robotic pool cleaner, right on top, you can just pull it out of the robotic pool cleaner, and empty its contents into the garbage.

But, what makes the filter basket especially useful, is its large size and durability. You can remove small sticks, large clumps of grass, big piles of dirt – along with many other materials – using this robotic pool cleaner. All of those fit into this robotic pool cleaner, and make thoroughly cleaning your pool a very easy task.


To use this robotic pool cleaner, you just need to use the included remote control this robotic pool cleaner comes with. With the included remote control, you can turn the robotic pool cleaner on, choose a scheduling setting, control the robotic pool cleaner directly, and turn the robotic pool cleaner off. All of these features are easy to access, due to the remote control and the ease-of-use that it allows for.

Dolphin Advantage Ultra Robotic Pool [Vacuum] Cleaner Review
Dolphin Advantage Ultra

The whole process is simple, easy, and pleasant. Plus, the three scheduling settings you have access to make tailoring the pool cleaning process to your needs completely effortless.

Conclusion: A Great Robotic Pool Cleaner!

In the end, if you are looking for a great robotic pool cleaner that offers simplicity, ease, convenience, and efficiency, then the Dolphin Advantage Ultra Robotic Pool Cleaner is a fantastic purchase!

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