In this quick buying guide, we’re going to be looking at smart light bulbs. More specifically, you’re going to learn the different features and attributes that smart light bulbs offer, and what to look for in a good smart light bulb.
What Does A Smart Light Bulb Do, Exactly?
Smart light bulbs are a direct product of the “Smart Home” trend that has been sweeping the market. This trend is built off of the advancements that smartphones have given us. Using your smartphone, if you have a Smart Home device, you can control things like the temperature, the locks on certain doors and even your garage, as well as the intensity of a light bulb, and whether it is on or off.
With a smart light bulb, you can control that light bulb, using your smartphone. Depending on the smart light bulb you purchase, you’ll have the ability to not only turn it on, or off, but to also adjust the hue and intensity.
So, What Kinds Of Features And Attributes Do I Need To Look For In A Good Smart Light Bulb?
Here, we’re going to talk about four things that you must look for and take note of, while you are searching for a good smart light bulb.
The “Smart” Functionality
Most smart light bulbs will, at the very least, come with some kind of remote control. But, more often than not, they’ll allow you to control the light bulb, at any given moment, using your smartphone.
That is what you want. As long as you have a Wi-Fi connection, you can turn off the light, adjust it, and do whatever else the smart light bulb offers. With a remote, you have to be within a certain proximity, and so it is a bit less convenient.
Make sure you read about the app that the smart light bulb relies on. Learn if it’s a good app or a poorly-designed app. And, make sure it supports the phone that you have.
Now, if you have multiple smart light bulbs that you want to control, it may be worth it too, if you don’t already have one, use some kind of Smart Home device. Many of them support Google Home and Amazon Echo, which enables you to control them with your voice.
The Different Hues And Colors That The Smart Light Bulb Supports
As mentioned earlier, most smart light bulbs support many different colors and hues. Ideally, you want to find one that gives you a lot of flexibility, in this department, by allowing you to go from a dark shade of purple, for example, to a standard white hue. Same goes for the intensity; this flexibility is very important.
Along with that, make sure that you can access these particular settings, using your smartphone or any other Smart Home device. If you can’t, then that process just becomes very annoying and inconvenient.
A Long Life
Perhaps, this goes without saying, but make sure that the smart light bulb you are buying has a nice, long bulb-life. Some of them don’t last very long at all, and this can make the overall purchase feel like a complete waste.
The best smart light bulbs last at least 20,000 hours. Better ones last even longer than that. Now, 20,000 hours is just under 2.25 years, which is a long time.
Due to the cost of most smart light bulbs, you’re going to want something that really does last a long time, so that you can get your money’s worth.
Whether You Need A Smart Home Hub Or Not
Many smart light bulbs require that you already own some kind of Smart Home Hub. These can be expensive, but they are very useful since they connect to things like your thermostat and other aspects of your home.
However, if you don’t actually own a Smart Home Hub, and you don’t plan on buying one anytime soon, then make sure to find a smart light bulb that doesn’t require one.
It isn’t too much of a challenge to find a good smart light bulb. At the end of the day, there are only a few key factors that you need to remember.
Just make sure the light bulb has the proper “Smart” functionality that you need, a range of hues and intensities, an extended bulb-life, and that you don’t need a hub – or if you do need a hub, that you already have one.