iRobot Roomba i4+ EVO Robot Vacuum Review

Embrace the future of home cleaning with the iRobot Roomba i4+ EVO Robot Vacuum. This Roomba i4+ EVO review uncovers the layers of technology, design, and practicality that define this robotic marvel. With an array of features aimed at delivering an unparalleled cleaning experience, let’s explore if the Roomba i4+ EVO truly stands out in the crowded market of robot vacuums.

Key Takeaways

  • Design and Build: The Roomba i4+ EVO sports a sleek and modern design, with durable materials promising longevity. Its compact build ensures it can easily navigate under furniture.
  • Performance: Equipped with the patented AeroForce cleaning system, the i4+ EVO offers powerful suction, adapting well to different floor types. Its standout feature, the Automatic Dirt Disposal, allows the device to empty its own dustbin, promising minimal human intervention.
  • Smart Navigation: The i4+ EVO uses advanced iAdapt Navigation technology for efficient mapping and systematic cleaning. Obstacle detection and cliff sensors contribute to its safe and efficient navigation around the home.

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iRobot Roomba i4+ EVO Self Emptying Robot Vacuum -...
  • 20% LARGER BATTERY – Larger battery for extended runtime. Compared to other Roomba i series Robot Vacuums
  • EMPTIES ITS VACUUM BIN, SO CLEANING IS OFF YOUR MIND - Cleans up after itself, emptying its Vacuum Bin into an...
  • CLEANS THE ROOMS YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT - iRobot OS learns and personalizes your cleaning with Imprint Smart...

Last update on 2024-05-15 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

First Glance

Unboxing Experience

Unboxing the iRobot Roomba i4+ EVO Robot Vacuum is an experience in itself. The package includes the robot vacuum, a charging base, a roll of virtual wall barriers, and extra filters and brushes. The initial setup is a breeze, with a user-friendly manual guiding you through the steps, ensuring you are up and running in no time.

Design and Build

The Roomba i4+ EVO boasts a sleek and modern design that is aesthetically pleasing. The circular shape is optimal for navigating through furniture. The use of high-quality materials guarantees durability, while the compact build ensures it can effortlessly glide under low-lying furniture.


Suction Power and Cleaning

The suction power of the i4+ EVO is formidable. With its patented AeroForce cleaning system, it ensures that dirt, dust, and debris are efficiently picked up. The multi-surface rubber brushes adapt to different floor types, making it versatile for homes with a combination of carpets and hard floors.

Navigation and Mapping

Navigation is where the i4+ EVO shines. With iAdapt Navigation technology, it efficiently maps your home, creating a virtual layout. This allows for systematic cleaning patterns rather than random movements. Obstacle detection and cliff sensors further enhance its ability to navigate around objects and avoid falls.

Automatic Dirt Disposal

One of the standout features is the Automatic Dirt Disposal. The i4+ EVO empties its dustbin into a disposable bag housed in the charging base, which holds up to 60 days of dirt. This means you can forget about vacuuming for months at a time.

Battery Life and Charging

The Roomba i4+ EVO has an impressive battery life, capable of cleaning for up to 75 minutes on a single charge. Once the battery is low, it autonomously returns to the charging base. What’s even more impressive is that after charging, it resumes cleaning right where it left off.

Smart Features

iRobot HOME App

The iRobot HOME App is the command center for your iRobot Roomba i4+ EVO Robot Vacuum. Once you connect the robot vacuum to the app, you can set cleaning schedules, select cleaning preferences, and monitor cleaning history. The app also provides tips and notifications to optimize performance.

Voice Control Integration

For those who have a smart home ecosystem, the Roomba i4+ EVO integrates seamlessly with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. This allows you to use voice commands to control the vacuum, providing an added layer of convenience.

Custom Cleaning Preferences

Through the iRobot HOME App, you can set custom cleaning preferences. Whether you want a standard clean, a focused clean on high-traffic areas, or edge cleaning, the i4+ EVO caters to your specific needs.

iRobot Roomba i4+ EVO Self Emptying Robot Vacuum -...
  • 20% LARGER BATTERY – Larger battery for extended runtime. Compared to other Roomba i series Robot Vacuums
  • EMPTIES ITS VACUUM BIN, SO CLEANING IS OFF YOUR MIND - Cleans up after itself, emptying its Vacuum Bin into an...
  • CLEANS THE ROOMS YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT - iRobot OS learns and personalizes your cleaning with Imprint Smart...

Last update on 2024-05-15 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Maintenance and Support

Regular Maintenance

Keeping your Roomba i4+ EVO in top condition requires some maintenance. Regularly checking and cleaning the brushes and filters ensures optimal performance. The iRobot HOME App provides reminders and tutorials on maintenance routines.

Customer Support and Warranty

iRobot offers excellent customer support for the Roomba i4+ EVO. With a dedicated support page, users can find answers to common questions or reach out to customer service. Additionally, the robot vacuum comes with a one-year limited warranty.

Comparison to Other Models

Roomba i4+ EVO vs. Roomba S9+

Weighing the iRobot Roomba i4+ EVO Robot Vacuum against the Roomba S9+ provides insight into how it stacks up against one of the best models in the market. Though both have stellar features, the S9+ boasts superior suction and a D-shaped design for better corner cleaning.

Roomba i4+ EVO vs. Competing Brands

Compared to brands like Neato and Ecovacs, the Roomba i4+ EVO holds its own, particularly in navigation and mapping. However, some competing models offer longer battery life and larger dustbin capacities.


The iRobot Roomba i4+ EVO Robot Vacuum is an impressive piece of technology that combines powerful cleaning with smart features. Its excellent navigation, automatic dirt disposal, and app-based controls make it a worthy investment for those seeking a comprehensive cleaning solution.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can the Roomba i4+ EVO mop floors as well?

No, the Roomba i4+ EVO is primarily a robot vacuum designed for vacuuming and doesn’t have mopping capabilities. However, iRobot offers a separate line of robot mops called Braava, which are specialized for mopping floors. You can also look into the Roomba combo models if you’re looking for both vacuuming and mopping in a single device.

Is there a way to designate no-go areas for the Roomba i4+ EVO?

Yes, you can set up virtual barriers using the iRobot HOME App. This feature allows you to designate certain areas as off-limits to the Roomba i4+ EVO. Additionally, the device comes with a roll of virtual wall barriers that you can physically place in areas where you don’t want the robot vacuum to enter.

Can the Roomba i4+ EVO detect and focus on heavily soiled areas?

Yes, the Roomba i4+ EVO is equipped with Dirt Detect Technology. This feature enables the robot to identify areas with a higher concentration of dirt and debris, and it will perform additional passes or spend more time cleaning those specific areas to ensure thorough cleaning.

What’s the difference between the Roomba i4+ EVO and the Roomba i7+?

The Roomba i4+ EVO and i7+ are similar in many ways, but there are a few key differences. The i7+ typically has a slightly longer battery life and is known to have more advanced mapping capabilities, allowing for saving multiple floor plans. On the other hand, the Roomba i4+ EVO usually comes at a more affordable price point while still offering powerful suction and smart features.

How frequently do I need to replace the filters in the Roomba i4+ EVO?

It’s recommended to replace the filters in the Roomba i4+ EVO every 2 months. However, this may vary depending on usage and the type of debris being collected. The iRobot HOME App provides reminders and maintenance tips, so it’s a good idea to keep an eye on the notifications and perform regular checks on the filters.

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iRobot Roomba i4+ EVO Self Emptying Robot Vacuum -...
  • 20% LARGER BATTERY – Larger battery for extended runtime. Compared to other Roomba i series Robot Vacuums
  • EMPTIES ITS VACUUM BIN, SO CLEANING IS OFF YOUR MIND - Cleans up after itself, emptying its Vacuum Bin into an...
  • CLEANS THE ROOMS YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT - iRobot OS learns and personalizes your cleaning with Imprint Smart...

Last update on 2024-05-15 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

iRobot Robot Vacuum | Bestsellers (last 24h)

Last update on 2024-04-30 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

iRobot Robot Vacuum | Bestsellers (last 24h)

Last update on 2024-05-09 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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