Keystone KSTAD50B vs. hOmeLabs HME020006N: Dehumidifier Comparison

In this Comparison article, we’re looking at the Keystone KSTAD50B and the hOmeLabs HME020006N. These are both excellent dehumidifiers that are designed for more extensive dehumidification, in comparison to the other dehumidifiers on the market today.

In this quick buying guide, you’re going to learn the individual features and attributes of both of these dehumidifiers. Using this information, you will be able to figure out which one is best for you.

Keystone KSTAD50B vs. hOmeLabs HME020006N

Keystone KSTAD50B

Before we get into the two dehumidifiers, let’s just run through a quick definition of what a dehumidifier actually is.

A dehumidifier is the opposite of a humidifier. Humidifiers add humidity to a room/space. With a dehumidifier, they take all of that excess moisture in the air, and they remove it, turning it into water that is stored in what is known as a “moisture tank”.

Dehumidifiers are important because, when a room/space has too much moisture in it, this can lead to things like mold and mildew, because those substances thrive in spaces that are exceptionally humid. With a dehumidifier, you prevent that from happening.

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The Keystone KSTAD50B

Let’s start with the maximum area coverage – MAC, for short – of the Keystone KSTAD50B. Using this dehumidifier, you can dehumidify a room/space that is, at the most, 3000 square feet. Now, we don’t need to tell you that 3000 square-feet is a lot of space.

Keystone KSTAD50B

Keystone KSTAD50B

With this dehumidifier, you could easily dehumidify a basement, an attic, a really big living room, and even most office spaces.

If you were to run this dehumidifier for a single day, it would remove 50 pints of moisture from your air. That’s because, on the lowest setting, the air flow is 165 CFM – cubic feet per minute – and on the highest setting, it’s 188 CFM. Essentially, this just means that it is able to dehumidify a lot of air, in a relatively short amount of time.

Now, the moisture tank itself can’t actually store 50 pints of moisture. So, you’ll have to empty it out every so often, before it’s able to actually remove 50 pints of moisture. Fortunately, the tank won’t overflow, since there is a sensor in place that checks if the tank is full, and then turns off the dehumidifier. You can also set up a continuous draining operation, using a hose, but this isn’t included.

To control the dehumidifier, there is a small control panel that lets you change the dehumidifying mode. The modes are Normal, Turbo, and Auto-Defrost.

Keystone KSTAD50B Dehumidifier

Keystone KSTAD50B

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The hOmeLabs HME020006N

Right off the bat, you’ll notice that this is a very sleek dehumidifier. The design is simple, but clean, and it captures a very minimalist aesthetic that goes with just about everything.

In comparison to the Keystone KSTAD50B, the design is much better, because it is far more simplistic while remaining aesthetically pleasing.

hOmeLabs HME020006N vs. Keystone KSTAD50B

hOmeLabs HME020006N

Just like the Keystone KSTAD50B, the hOmeLabs HME020006N can remove up to 50 pints of moisture from the air, within a single 24-hour period.

Unlike the Keystone KSTAD50B, however, the maximum area coverage is only 2,500 square feet. Now, this is still a lot, and since most people will want to use this particular dehumidifier for at-home usage, rather than at an office or business residence, not having a MAC of 3,000 square-feet shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

On the Normal mode, the CFM is 165, and on Turbo mode, the CFM is 188. This is identical to the Keystone KSTAD50B, but that’s okay since it does make the overall dehumidification process very quick and easy.

Now, the moisture tank can store 6 pints of moisture. After that, the dehumidifier will shut off, and let you know that it’s time for you to empty the moisture tank. That way, you won’t have to deal with the tank overflowing and creating a big mess.

Ultimately, the Keystone KSTAD50B and the hOmeLabs HME020006N are very similar devices. However, the Keystone KSTAD50B is a much less aesthetically pleasing device, and it isn’t really designed for homes. Instead, it was designed with more commercial usage whereas the hOmeLabs HME020006N was designed to be used in modern homes, and to align with the decor of most modern homes. That is why the design is the way it is.

hOmeLabs HME020006N

hOmeLabs HME020006N

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At the end of the day, if you’re looking for efficiency and performance, you can’t go wrong with the Keystone KSTAD50B. However, if you want something that offers excellent performance, as well as a beautiful design and sense of modernity and sophistication, then the hOmeLabs HME020006N is ideal.

hOmeLabs HME020006N Dehumidifier

hOmeLabs HME020006N

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Last update on 2025-02-16 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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