Amzn Digital Charge: What are These Charges?

Amazon offers just about everything. A significant part of this “everything” is digital services. Some of these digital services include selling video games, applications for your smartphone, and e-books. In digital service that you can buy comes with an Amazon digital charge. But, what are these charges, and what do you need to know about them?


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The Amazon Digital Charge: What Is It?

Amazon owns and operates several businesses. Many of these businesses pertain directly to the functioning of One of these is Amazon Digital Services Inc., a firm that services electronic transactions on the Amazon marketplace.

The specific nature of these charges depends on what is purchased. Many digital applications come with a $1 fee, and this charge serves as, essentially, a “transaction fee” for the digital service you are purchasing.

Some digital services are not charging fees as e-books and films do.

What Charges Are Most Common?

For digital applications, a charge of $1 is usual. If you purchase digital applications through Amazon with any degree of regularity you will end up paying this $1 fee quite a bit.

But, Amazon offers a plethora of other services that will be charged through the Amazon Digital Services firm. Some of these services include, of course, e-books and films. Those don’t come with any fees, but the charge will show up, on your bank statement, as being from “Amazon Digital Services Inc.”

A $10 charge every month is likely a “Kindle Unlimited” charge. Kindle Unlimited is a service that allows you to read certain Kindle books for free. But, to use this service, you will need to pay $10, every single month.

A $100 charge, every year, is likely an “Amazon Prime” charge. Seeing such a charge is especially common if you’ve been using the free trial, and haven’t canceled or begun a payment plan just yet.

Beyond those reasons, Amazon offers other digital services, such as letting you subscribe to digital magazines and purchase albums. Those charges are handled by Amazon Digital Charges Inc., which means you will see them on your bank statement.

Is There A Way To Avoid Amazon Digital Charges?

The answer to this question is “No”, but also “Yes”.

You see, if you use Amazon to purchase a large volume of digital services, then you will receive Amazon digital charges. But, if you don’t, then you won’t receive these charges. That is, essentially, the only way to avoid these charges.

To ensure that unwanted charges never happen, however, it helps to turn off the “1-Click Purchase” function and to, if needed, refund certain items.


In the end, if you use Amazon, you will be dealing with Amazon digital charges. Fortunately, these charges are pretty simple, and more often than not, you won’t even notice them.


Last update on 2024-04-25 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


Last update on 2024-04-25 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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6 thoughts on “Amzn Digital Charge: What are These Charges?”

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