ECOVACS Deebot T9+ Robot Vacuum and Mop Review

As our lives become increasingly busier, there’s a growing trend towards using automation to simplify household tasks. One such area of development is in the realm of robotic cleaners. From dusting to mopping, these smart devices are revolutionizing the way we maintain our homes.

Key Takeaways

  • Multi-Functional Capabilities: The Deebot T9+ is more than just a vacuum cleaner. Its ability to vacuum, mop, and purify air simultaneously makes it a unique 3-in-1 cleaning solution for homes.
  • Smart Navigation and Mapping: The device’s advanced navigation and mapping technologies ensure efficient and thorough cleaning, with minimal chances of missed spots or obstacles.
  • Impressive Battery Life and Auto-Empty Feature: With its long-lasting battery and auto-empty feature, the T9+ can handle extensive cleaning tasks without frequent human intervention, making it ideal for large homes and busy schedules.

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ECOVACS DEEBOT T9+ Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo with...
  • Powerful Vacuum and Mop. DEEBOT T9 plus simultaneously sweeps, vacuums and mops your floors. OZMO Pro 2.0...
  • TrueMapping for a More Efficient, Effective Clean. Utilizing the same tech in self-driving cars, DEEBOT’s...
  • TrueDetect Stays on Task and Out of Trouble. With the advanced TrueDetect 3D technology, DEEBOT T9 plus...

Last update on 2024-05-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Introduction to ECOVACS and the Deebot Series

ECOVACS is a brand that has been riding on this wave of change, leading the market with its innovative cleaning solutions. Their Deebot series, in particular, has made waves for its smart technology and exceptional cleaning capabilities.

Overview of the Deebot T9+ Model

Among ECOVACS’s extensive lineup, one model stands out for its unique combination of features – the Deebot T9+. This device not only vacuums and mops but also boasts an air purification feature, adding a new dimension to home cleaning.

Unboxing and First Impressions

Packaging and Unboxing Experience

The unboxing of this robot cleaner is an experience in itself. The device comes neatly packed in a sturdy box, ensuring it arrives in perfect condition. All the components are wrapped and secured, exuding a sense of premium quality right from the start.

Initial Physical Overview of Deebot T9+

Upon first glance, the Deebot T9+ appears sleek and compact. Its design is modern, fitting seamlessly into any home decor. The smooth, rounded edges and the matte finish give it a refined look, while its solid construction indicates its durability.

What’s Included in the Box

Apart from the device itself, the box contains a charging dock, a power adapter, a mopping pad, disposable mop cloths, a cleaning tool, and an auto-empty station. Additionally, it comes with a detailed user manual to help with setup and usage.

Design and Build Quality

Detailed Look at the Deebot T9+ Design

The design of this model is quite striking, with its circular shape and top-mounted buttons. The control panel is easily accessible, and the LED indicator clearly shows the device status.

Build Quality and Material Analysis

The Deebot T9+ doesn’t compromise on build quality. Made from sturdy plastic, it’s designed to withstand everyday wear and tear. The wheels are rubberized for smooth movement, and the brushes are dense and well-attached.

Size and Weight Considerations

In terms of size and weight, it strikes a balance between portability and performance. It’s light enough to easily move around, yet heavy enough to ensure stable operation. Its low profile design allows it to navigate under most furniture.

Setup and Installation

Setting Up the Deebot T9+

Setting up the T9+ is a breeze. After unpacking, it’s as simple as connecting the dock to a power source, placing the device on the dock to charge, and waiting for the LED indicator to signal it’s ready.

Connecting to Wi-Fi and Installing the Mobile App

The real power of this device comes to life when you connect it to your Wi-Fi and install the ECOVACS Home App. The app serves as a control center, offering numerous functions and customizations.

Understanding the User Interface

The user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, with clear icons and instructions. From the app, you can start or pause cleaning, schedule tasks, set cleaning modes, monitor cleaning progress, and even view a map of the cleaned areas.

ECOVACS DEEBOT T9+ Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo with...
  • Powerful Vacuum and Mop. DEEBOT T9 plus simultaneously sweeps, vacuums and mops your floors. OZMO Pro 2.0...
  • TrueMapping for a More Efficient, Effective Clean. Utilizing the same tech in self-driving cars, DEEBOT’s...
  • TrueDetect Stays on Task and Out of Trouble. With the advanced TrueDetect 3D technology, DEEBOT T9 plus...

Last update on 2024-05-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Features and Functionalities

Vacuuming Features of the Deebot T9+

The primary feature of Deebot T9+ is, of course, its vacuuming capability. With a high suction power, it easily picks up various types of debris, from fine dust to larger crumbs. It also adjusts the suction power based on the type of surface it is cleaning.

Mopping Features and Capabilities

Besides vacuuming, the device is also equipped with advanced mopping features. You can attach a damp mop cloth to the device, and it will simultaneously vacuum and mop your floors. The mopping function is particularly useful for cleaning stubborn stains and spills.

Smart Navigation and Mapping Technologies

What sets the T9+ apart from many other robot cleaners is its smart navigation and mapping technologies. It uses lasers to map out your home and calculate the most efficient cleaning path. The device also avoids obstacles and falls, making it a reliable cleaning companion.

The Advanced Air Purification Feature

In addition to vacuuming and mopping, the device comes with an air purification feature, promising not just cleaner floors, but also cleaner air. This unique feature makes the T9+ a 3-in-1 home cleaning solution.

Understanding the Auto-Empty Station

The auto-empty station is another convenient feature of the T9+. After each cleaning session, the device automatically empties the dustbin into the station, which is large enough to hold several weeks’ worth of debris.

Battery Life and Charging Mechanisms

The device’s battery life is impressive, capable of handling large cleaning tasks on a single charge. Once the battery runs low, the T9+ returns to its dock to recharge automatically, ensuring it’s always ready for the next cleaning session.

Performance and Efficiency

Vacuuming Performance on Different Surfaces

The Deebot T9+ shows remarkable performance on various surfaces. Whether it’s hard floors, carpets, or tiles, it efficiently picks up dirt and debris, leaving the surfaces sparkling clean.

Mopping Performance Evaluation

In terms of mopping, the T9+ also does an excellent job. It effectively cleans up spills and stains, and leaves hard floors streak-free. The adjustable water flow allows for effective damp mopping.

Noise Levels and Air Purification Efficiency

Despite its high performance, the T9+ operates relatively quietly. This makes it ideal for cleaning at any time of the day without causing disturbance. The air purification feature works well, effectively reducing airborne particles.

Analysis of Navigation and Mapping Accuracy

The T9+’s navigation and mapping system is quite accurate. It rarely misses spots and seldom gets stuck. It’s also efficient, avoiding unnecessary re-cleaning of already cleaned areas.

Assessing the Performance of the Auto-Empty Station

The auto-empty station performs as promised, eliminating the need for regular manual emptying of the dustbin. It’s easy to empty and replace the station’s dust bag when it finally fills up.

Mobile App and Smart Home Integration

Navigating the ECOVACS Home App

The ECOVACS Home App is where you get to manage and control the device. From scheduling to customization, the app covers all. Its layout is user-friendly and straightforward, with easily understandable commands.

Scheduling and Customizing Cleaning Sessions

Using the app, you can schedule cleaning sessions based on your routine. Whether you want it to clean while you’re away at work, or during the night, the scheduling feature ensures your home stays clean at your convenience.

Integration with Smart Home Systems

One of the major advantages of the T9+ is its ability to integrate with popular smart home systems. This gives you the luxury of controlling your device through voice commands, making the cleaning process even more convenient.

Maintenance and Support

Maintenance Requirements for the T9+

Regular maintenance is essential for the device to function optimally. This includes cleaning the dustbin, brushes, and filters. However, with the auto-empty station, maintenance is significantly reduced, making this device more user-friendly.

Understanding the Warranty and Support Services

The warranty offered by ECOVACS is generous and covers a broad range of potential issues. Additionally, their customer service is responsive and supportive, ensuring that help is available whenever needed.

Pros and Cons

Key Advantages of the Deebot T9+

The T9+ stands out for its vacuuming and mopping capabilities, advanced navigation system, air purification feature, and smart home compatibility. The convenience of scheduling and customization through the app adds to its advantages.

Potential Drawbacks of the Deebot T9+

Like any other device, the T9+ has some drawbacks. These may include the relatively high price tag and the occasional need for manual intervention when the device gets stuck.


The T9+ truly sets a high bar for robot cleaners. Its smart features and performance make it a worthy investment for those seeking a comprehensive home cleaning solution.

Given its features and price, the T9+ is suitable for anyone prioritizing convenience and efficiency in home cleaning. Especially for those with large homes or busy schedules, this device can be a game-changer.

Considering its capabilities, the T9+ offers significant value for its price. It’s not just a cleaning device, but a multi-functional home management tool.

This brings us to the end of our comprehensive review of the Deebot T9+. Should you have any further questions, feel free to refer to the following FAQs.


Can the T9+ Vacuum and Mop at the Same Time?

Yes, the T9+ can vacuum and mop simultaneously, making it highly efficient in cleaning different types of messes.

What is the Capacity of the T9+’s Dustbin?

The dustbin of the T9+ can hold a significant amount of debris. Plus, with the auto-empty station, the device automatically empties the dustbin after each cleaning.

How Efficient is the Air Purification Feature?

The air purification feature of the T9+ works effectively, helping to reduce airborne particles and improve the overall air quality in your home.

Is the T9+ Compatible with All Smart Home Systems?

The T9+ is compatible with popular smart home systems, enabling you to control the device through voice commands.

How Often Does the T9+ Need Maintenance?

Although regular maintenance is recommended, the T9+’s auto-empty station significantly reduces the need for frequent maintenance.

ECOVACS DEEBOT T9+ Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo with...
  • Powerful Vacuum and Mop. DEEBOT T9 plus simultaneously sweeps, vacuums and mops your floors. OZMO Pro 2.0...
  • TrueMapping for a More Efficient, Effective Clean. Utilizing the same tech in self-driving cars, DEEBOT’s...
  • TrueDetect Stays on Task and Out of Trouble. With the advanced TrueDetect 3D technology, DEEBOT T9 plus...

Last update on 2024-05-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Ecovacs Robot Vacuum | Bestsellers (last 24h)

Last update on 2024-04-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Ecovacs Robot Vacuum | Bestsellers (last 24h)

Last update on 2024-05-15 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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